Friday, July 8, 2011


Like I said before, I really thought I knew Spanish.
I know I’ve said it before, but honestly, Senora gave me such confidence and being here has KILLED me completely.
I can’t carry on a conversation, let alone understand what anyone is saying when they talk to me…. Like today, in class when my speaking professor didn’t call on me because she probably saw how nervous I was!

When I went back to the bank with my passport, the women spoke to me SO QUICKLY. I grasped a few words which basically told me that she had made a mistake and that she cannot transfer over money.
Welll…. Woop-dee-doo.
I’m STILL broke.
So, Aliza and I went on a wild goose chase all around town to finally find ONE place that would actually exchange!
$200.00 is 114euro. WHAT A RIP OFF!
The only problem is that the money looks like monopoly money, so when I spend it, I don’t feel so bad!
No, I’m kidding – I really haven’t bought anything… I just bought some fruits, drinks, and a subwayway (shout out to Avi) card!

I also got more homework.
I can’t believe it.
It’s really such a pain, but don’t worry mom, I did it!!

At night, we were supposed to go to Flamenco dancing – yes Flamenco, not FlamINGO! But, Jenna wasn’t feeling well so we just decided to walk around town… we’ll save it for a better time! (aka – next week because the 3 weeks starts on the 19th)
Normally, we go left (that’s where the ‘broadway’ part of town is) so we decided to go right and found this beautiful fountain, a little ‘shuk’ that was called TARGET, and a PALACE!!
Yes, a palace! So we’ll explore that one some other day….

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