Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 1: what is a siesta?!

I need money. I REALLY need money. The fear of walking in a foreign country with NO money is frightening.
I thought that coming here would be just like Israel, a change place on every corner. But no.
Some banks don't even exchange money!

Waking up with a fear of having no money.... AND waking up after not sleeping is pretty tough.
We got dressed and were supposed to meet Dr. Martinez at 8:30AM in front of school. The 9 of us (Aliza, Bryce, Jenna, Shanna, Lisa, Towanda, Brandon, Louie, and me) were waiting in the scorching heat for him.
Take note for those that make plans with Spanish people: 8:30 really means 9:15!

We took two subways to school.
Yes, I went on a subway.... and not just one, but TWO!

We obviously got lost on the way to school but finally got there 5 minutes before we needed to take our placement exams.
I did my best to fail, but either way, i'm sure I would. I really just know nothing!

When we got back, Dr. Martinez send me and Brandon to the "Caja Madrid." He told us that cambia means exchange and we should ask them if they exchange money.
We did exactly that: We asked a women, she said yes, we took a number (like in the chap-o-nosh deli counter) and took a seat....
The banks close at 2, did I say!?
At 1:56PM after having waited 20 minutes, a women comes over, telling us that her colleague is an idiot and they don't exchange money.
Frustrating, no?
Well, it gets better because as we walk down the block, we see another bank that has a picture for money exchange... but as we ran towards it because the clock is striking 2, they shut the door.
And again... i'm BROKE.

I know it's hot, but seriously. No one needs to go home to eat lunch with their families and no adult needs to nap and shut their stores down for 3 hours, smack in the middle of the day even though it's hot!

I was pissed. But when trying to make friends, you need to suck it up and deal with it.
I'm broke, it's hot (where is our AC,?!), and overtired but I knew I couldn't sleep... Aliza and I left our door open, hoping that our "friends" (acquaintances) would come visit and they actually did!
We were all hanging out for a while, finding things to do.. until we left to scout out the Jewish parts of town.
Forgetting that siesta is from 2-5, we set out at 3. When we got to the shul, we were SO excited!
There was hebrew on the wall! - a language that we actually know!
We waiting for a little and a man showed up. Our only way of communication: IVRIT.... it was beautiful!
He then explained to us that nothing will be open for us because it is too late-or early, depending on your sleeping schedule, and we should try to find it tomorrow.
Before leaving, we scouted out the 2 shops and 1 restaurant that way we would know where to go tomorrow.

After dinner (which was at 8:30)  of mom's chicken cutlet - yes I thanked her - we, me and my NEW friends went out on our 1st  excursion on our own. We took our first picture - of the girls - and then went to (read with a spanish accent) Plaza de Mayor, basically a large square with apartments and bars underneath.
There were people dressed up as "things" - like 'mthe tin man, etc, so it was cool to look at them.

Finalllllyyy, at 11:00PM when I was literally falling on my face, they decided to go to the Irish pub to celebrate the 4th of July.
Really?!! Celebrate, when all I want is my bed??
So, I did celebrate...in my bed, alone and going crazy that its just SO hot in here and Aliza is sleeping...I'm STILL broke, and nervous about school tomorrow... so, I complained to Sarit (obviously), who was actually really helpful (thank you) and finally when they got back at 3PM from the pub and after Bryce "accidentally" rang the doorbell (she says she wasn't drunk!), I finally fell asleep....

and low and be hold, it was 7AM again.

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