Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sharing the wealth....

And it's Monday again... 2 weeks down, 4 to go - but seriously, who's counting?! Surely not I!

It was weird coming back to school.
I guess after taking the train to some far away city, it felt as if it was winter vacation and i'm the only one who went to Puerto Rico and got a suntan.
Obviously, everyone made comments.
Being that I could not sit straight because my legs are burnt, it was easy to see that I spent some time at the beach.

School's going well.
Except, we're learning past tense- something i've never seemed to grasp in High School. Now we're learning not just regular past tense, but irregulars and all this stuff that just goes WAY over my head!

But Monday was a good day.
Why do you ask?
Because not only did we go to see Harry Potter 7.5 in english, but we went to the restaurant too!
(we figured that before the fast, we should get ourselves a nice dinner)
Harry Potter was pretty good. Aliza and I went with Shana and Brendon. It was a small group but better that way... this country is weird, in which just like airplanes, you need to get a seat number at the theater- so small groups are better! I expected it to be scary; I thought I would have to cover my ears and eyes, but either I grew up or the movie wasn't scary!
After the movie, the women went to the ladies room (obv.) and Brendon waited for us outside... but when we came out he was gone. It was like he vanished. We went all over the place looking for him and we emailed him, but no response, so we just left (he just left the theater too, but apparently he 'waited' for us!)

Shana joined us at the restaurant. She's a Russian Jew and not religious, but was SO excited to come with us. On our walk to the restaurant, we warned her:

a. they will give you a menu but not everything is on it
b. the waitress is NOT nice
c. the food is great but you need to order separate side dishes
d. don't be shocked if we get to the restaurant and it's not open

So we walk in and a young couple is already seated, which means that the kitchen must be open!
We take seats and a big family comes in, so we are completely ignored. (Classic, Aliza and I are thinking.)
Finally, asking for a menu for 10 minutes, she gives us the menu and then walks away to go talk to the big family that walked in.
After taking their order, she comes to us and again, tells us that what we asked for - chicken and couscous - are not available. So we order skewers, mini hamburgers, and chips.
We taught Shana how to wash and what brachas to say, which to Aliza and I was really fun...
Dinner comes and it's delicious as it was the first time.
As we're eating, we look over at the young couple and they are eating couscous... annoying, but okay fine. We'll live.
Then, we look over at the bigger table and not only do they have couscous, but they have chicken, too! - at this point, we were fuming!
We begin to talk to the younger couple... we were telling them what we were doing here and how we were dealing with the food situation...
The room is quite small, so the bigger table overheard us talking but didn't say a word to us.
Because they ordered earlier then us, we were asking for the bill when they were almost walking out the door... but the SUPER NICE waitress turned to the big table next to us and said: "That made invite for you."
We had NO idea what she was saying, so she repeats: "The man invite for you! Do you want me to speak in French, Spanish, Hebrew!?"
From there, we realized that the big family had overheard us and paid for our meal. We didn't even speak to them! Yet, they overheard our conversation.
When they were walking out, the father came over to tell us that when his son was in Rome, a Jewish couple paid for his meal, so they were giving back and we were the lucky kids!
Turns out, the son he was talking about knows Jeremy and Josh Feintuch (Michelle's brothers)... and they are very well off, so it was nice of them to share the wealth!

Shana came to Kosher dinner on the right night! And even better, she hopes to come again with us.

Hey mom, I saved you 30 euros!

Hope you all had an easy fast!

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