Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What the HELL are we doing here!?

So, as you all know Aliza and I decided that it would be COOL to go to Madrid.
Well, it was really cool until we got here -- 2 flights, no food (obviously forgotten on the kitchen counter; Shimmy I hope you liked my bagel!), so it was quite an adventure!
Before coming here, I really thought I knew how to speak spanish. I thought that Senora really gave me the confidence to speak it... BUT, the second I got off the plane, I just felt stupid! I knew NOTHING! Even the cab driver didn't know what I was saying.

When getting off the plane, we were supposed to email Dr. Martinez to meet him and 'the group' on a walk. Obviously, my blackberry wasn't working. So after struggling with our luggage to the taxi, we figured we'd email him when we got to the dorms and took out our computers.
But low and behold, when we got there, he and 'the group' was waiting for us! 
They waited a half hour in the scorching sun... I really though they would hate us for it, but THANK GD they found a bar right next door to our building or else... we'd be fried, not them!

We spent a good 2 hours walking and then finally - finally we sat down to eat. Don't worry, it was 8:00 PM.
After ordering a coke, because sadly squid and cow intestines are not Kosher, we sat for 3 hours with them. It was really fun until we realized how late it was, how much we needed to unpack, and how hungry we were!

After finally getting into bed at 12, obviously hot (why should the air work?!) and jet-lagged, we didn't fall asleep until 3... all we could do what question ourselves:

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