Thursday, July 21, 2011

The many ways to party!

Spain in the summer is great for shoppers. When July comes around, huge "REBAJA" signs are hung in store windows. Being that it's tourist season, there are signs all over the place that say 50% off or 9.99. 
Jenna and Bryce go out daily to buy all different types of clothes and accessories, so for the first time, Aliza and I went our own adventure down Gran Via in hopes to find some cool- European clothing.
We don't know whether we're picky or not, but there was NOTHING.
We went into every store - literally, EVERY store.. but no such luck.
Aliza did buy 2 post cards for 2€ but then realized that she got jipped because every little makolet/drink stand was selling postcards for .30 each.

When we got back to the dorms, Jenna and Bryce invited us to join them at a little Columbian coffee shop near the Retiro Park. 
Being that it was only 7PM, Aliza and I made and ate our deli sandwiches (they were fabs) and went with them.
Bryce copied directions off googlemaps which is normally straightforward but somehow we had trouble finding it.
We asked a ton of people, who kept telling us to keep going straight until one kind gentleman told us that   the coffee shop we were going to closed down (hence why we couldn't fine it) but there was another one 15 minutes away. 
We decided that because it was only 9:30PM and Madrid never sleeps, we would go find it... and we did.
BUT, it was closed.
Bryce stood in front of the store in mourning but we promised her we would come back another time.

On the way back, we found a Hard Rock Cafe and we just HAD to go in to.
It was my first time in a Hard Rock and boy, did those ribs smell AMAZING! (I don't even eat them anymore when mom makes them for dinner, but just a whiff of that and I was panting like a dog on a hot day!)
From there, we continued and found a Haagen Daaz store! Obviously Aliza and I had meat for dinner and obviously only the packaged food was Kosher, but we sat at Haagen Daaz while Bryce and Jenna devoured their tiny 4-euro cups of midnight chocolate.

When we got back, everyone except for Aliza and I got dressed up to go out to a bar.
Because the 3 weeks just started, Aliza and I stayed back and instead made our first popcorn party!

What a party that was...! 
But at least we were the only ones not hung over at school on Thursday!

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