Wednesday, July 6, 2011

And school begins...

Those turnstiles (yes, that's how you spell it! I looked it up) at the subway really don't like me. One day, I might just jump over it because every single time I go through it (the 3 times), I have had a problem. What could I possibly do wrong?! You stick the paper thru the slot and it comes out the other side. But no, it has to cause me problems.... sooo classic my life!
We left early to school today because we were finding out where we were placed for class. But of course, on my first day to classes, everyone gets held up because of me and my stupid ticket.
When we finally arrive to find our classrooms, I realize that I am the only one in my new "clique" (aside from Bryce and Jenna who are in the advanced classes - they're majoring in Spanish) is in the same class, except for me. Again, so classic my life.
But, this time - i'm actually happy that:
a) I'm in a lower class then them
b) If I mess up, who do I get embarrassed in front of? NO ONE.

So i get to class and make my friends: Julie and James.
Class was okay. The professors spoke ONLY Spanish. It was cool learning that way because if you talk in english, they actually have NO CLUE what you're saying, so you really need to figure out how to talk to them... otherwise, you don't say anything.
My first professor teacher grammar. He did the whole o-as-a-amos-an thing so that was easy.
Really, thank Gd for Senora's tricks because without them - i'd really be in trouble! I taught J-squared the tricks I knew and they couldn't help but laugh at how excited I was to teach it.
My next professor - the speaking one - she's hard. She was great and the class was fun, but I know it's going to get harder so i'm nervous.
My last professor, for reading and writing, is whack. He told us to call him "Senor Perfecto" and then gave us homework to write an essay; I know this school is equivalent to Harvard, but who gives homework of the first day of school!?

When class was over I spotted a bank. I RAN for it; yes, I ran for the door. I asked the women if she changed over money "Cambio dinero?" and she said only with a passport.
I was annoyed for about two minutes until I realized that I could just go back tomorrow!!

We spent a part of the afternoon with Bryce and Jenna (and also some of the 'gang'). We have been answering all the Jew questions, which are really hilarious. The ultimate question has been:
How is it that on a windy day, boys kippas don't fly off!

We went back to the Jewish Quarter.
The man in the store told us that stores open at 5, so we were there at 5.
Of course, the stores were closed, so we sat on a bench for a little.
At 5:45, we went back to the store... the doors were still locked, so we just peeked in when from behind us, some women came over yelling at us - do you want to go in?
So of course we said yes and began to look at what there was... we saw a few things, there wasn't much but while we were browsing, a man comes over to us and asks if we want to buy because if not, he's closing up the shop.
We asked him when he's open and he told us 10-2 and 5-8 -- stupid siesta! But yet, why did he open at 545 and close at 548!? Who knows...
So we decided to go looking for the ONE restaurant in town to see the menu and prices. As we walked toward it, the guy who just basically kicked us out of the store was walking into the restaurant, which was closed.
He asked us how he could help - we asked him for prices and times and we were off... back to where we started from!
I guess this community really is small.

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