Friday, July 8, 2011

Thank Gd it's Thursday!?? NOTT

Thursdays are always the best in college because you know that once the day is over, school doesn't start until MONDAY!!! But, in this country, school is different.There is college on Friday. 
It was such a let down when leaving class on Thursday and hearing the teacher say"¡hasta maƱana!" 
Oy, was it sad.

In the morning, when we were on the second subway to school, a boy from my class who I never spoke to before came over to me. He introduced himself as Daniel and asked me to show him how to get to school because he had gotten lost all the other times. 
Aliza and I spoke to him the whole way there and back (home from school).
We found out that not only was he a Christian - but a devout Christian.
And even more, he was living in Philadelphia, in a seminary and learning how to be a priest. He was explained the theories of his religions, the importance of being a priest and how he would never get married... what a life for him!

In the afternoon, we went to El Museo del Prado, an art museum. You could literally get lost in it for hours. We saw all of the holy - Christian pictures, such as:
The virgin and baby
The mother and baby
The virgin and the milk
The mother and the milk
So it was A LOT of fun for us!
But as we kept going we found some other interesting paintings of the kings and their wives, flowers - which I loved, so we plan to go back and this time go right instead of left!
(Ilana... I went looking for you, but you weren't there!)

We left at around 7, and the sun was still out so we just outside on the steps to suntan. After about 5 minutes, Bryce got bored (yes, she has A.D.D.) so we decided to go for a walk and found the Botanical Gardens!
For 1.25 euros, we went. 
There were hardly any flowers (they must have died from the heat), but it was fun to try to read the names... and we FINALLY took a lot of pictures.

At 9:30 when we finally got backkk we ate dinner - yumm tuna, and then disaster struck: 
The internet wasn't working.
It was horrible; I almost felt the need to sit shiva or something.
We all NEEDED our computers and since it didn't work, what else is there to do?! 
We went to sleep sad for the lack of internet and upset that we have school tomorrow...

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