Monday, August 8, 2011

It's almost over... our 2nd to last shabbos and LAST SUNDAY (In Madrid, that is)

I'm unsure whether it's because of the 9 days or it's been five weeks already that there's nothing to do here!

Shabbos was nice. It's vacation time, so everyone goes to the beach. That means shul is empty and town itself is desolate.
The Chabad house was empty, too.
Normally, there are a few couples but this week there was no one. It was nice because there was more food to go around :) but sad because there were no weird people to talk to! It was nice spending time with the Goldstein's though; they consider us part of the 'furniture' now...
When we first got to their house, they wouldn't let us help out with anything. We needed to sit through the entire meal and weren't allowed in the kitchen - but this time, Mrs. Rebbitzen (Shifra) finally let us do something!
Not only that, but they told us that next week there would be 20 guests (yes, 20!) and when we offered to help with the cooking this week, they actually accepted!

Just like last shabbos, we spent most of the afternoon in bed - sleeping, reading, and of course...eating! (We are so sick of the food we have, that as we plan our trip to London, all we talk about is what restaurants we're going to go to!)
Bryce and Jenna were hilarious, yet again.
They would constantly make comments about how they turned on the bathroom light because they felt like it, and questioned aloud what THEY needed to do.
They're really funny about it and make shabbos here so much easier... what will we do when we go home and we don't have a shabbos goy!?

This Sunday was our only Sunday in Madrid.
On Sundays in the summer, there is a HUGE street fair called El Rastro.
The place is jammed pack with not only tourists but natives also... and the B.O. is just awful!
We spent 2 hours walking around, looking for something that's worth buying... everybody bought something but, I obviously left with the same amount of money in my pocket!
We walked back, stopping in Starbucks (where I had a fabulous coffee!) and then McDonald's, where Bryce and Jenna ate happy meals.... not that i've ever been into a McDonald's at home, but the one(s) in Spain are quite nice! ... too bad we can only rave about how comfy the chairs are and not how good the food is!

With nothing left to do in this huge city, I spent the rest of the day walking up and down the streets, hoping to find something worth buying to remember my study abroad in Madrid - not that i'll ever forget this...

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